Financial products and services don’t vary much. Consumers often choose a financial institution based on fees and interest rates, and they often rely on online searches to comparison shop.

A quick review of credit union websites will show that most of them follow a similar structure and organization. Providing exceptional content on your credit union website will differentiate you from the competition. This week, we’re going to look at the first five of 10 golden rules to writing content that will set you apart from the competition.

  1. Provide solutions to customer problems.
  2. Start with a strong headline.
  3. Structure content in an inverted pyramid.
  4. Keep content short and simple.
  5. Avoid jargon.


Provide solutions to customer problems.

Customers will visit your site when they are looking for answers to their problems or questions. The primary goal of your website content should be providing the solution. Data analytics will help you determine who your customers are, how they arrive on your website, what search terms or keywords they use, etc. This information will not only provide insight into what type of information to include in the content but also the best methods to present it to relate to your audience.


Start with a strong headline.

Headlines have the power to catch the customer’s attention or make them click away. A strong headline concisely summarizes the gist of the content without telling the entire story. This pique’s the reader’s interest and desire to learn more.


Structure content in an inverted pyramid.

The inverted pyramid is a journalistic tool where the writer discusses the most important details at the beginning of the story. The content becomes more general toward the end. The inverted pyramid ensures the customer will obtain key information in case he or she clicks away from the page before reading all the content. For emphasis, you’ll want to restate the solution or other essential data again at the end.


Keep content short and simple.

The content on your credit union website’s home page and other main pages should be concise and straightforward. Short sentences are quicker to read and easier to comprehend. You’ll also want to be mindful of your customer’s time. Don’t pad the content with information your customer won’t find helpful.


Avoid jargon.

Related to simplifying your content is avoiding jargon or technical terms. Your customer is on your credit union website to find solutions or answers. Part of your job is educating them about financial topics. Don’t assume that your customer is familiar with financial terms and acronyms. Provide short definitions or link to more detailed resources to avoid overwhelming them. Using simplified language will also allow you to come across as friendly and accessible.


Final Words

We hope these first five rules will help you start writing content on your credit union website. Next week, we’ll discuss five more golden rules that you can implement to enhance your credit union website content. Until then, check out our blog about how to create impactful content to learn more.