If there’s an industry that has the pressure to provide the most secure solutions for its clients, it’s definitely the financial and online payment industry. Handling money for individuals, making transactions, and building a system to deal with the “cyber-criminals” has become increasingly important.

You don’t have excuses to fail. You must have the best. That’s why you need someone who’s able to help you provide a flawless experience and almost immaculate level of performance.

When building your website and business, choose a quality web host that has the reliability, flexibility, quality, and price to fit your specific needs. You don’t need to learn everything about the hosting business because we do that for you However, you need to understand what makes a hosting plan stand out from all other solutions on the market.

Just sit back, relax, and read our tips that will help you choose the best. Here we go!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Web Hosting
  2. Malware Can Impact Negatively
  3. Third-party Vulnerability Assessments Are Necessary Too
  4. Final Words

Introduction to Web Hosting

Having the most secure hosting is a must. You deal with dozens of members, you operate with sensitive data, and transactions are part of the story, too.

Thieves and hackers will try to exploit every opportunity to break your system. Check all the necessary aspects twice, and get yourself covered as fast as you can.

Do you want to leave an open door for uninvited guests to come?

Believe it or not, the solution is simple. You need to choose a credible vendor separate from your online banking vendor or a typical online banking vendor in general.


Because your online banking service can be interrupted. If that happens, you might lose the capability to communicate with your members. The second most important reason is you want to be able to communicate with your consumers from any place on Earth at any time. This thinking mindset will move your business forward in the long run.

Traditional vendors won’t inform you when your website is a potential risk. They do this to keep you as a member longer and spend your money by not giving you the service you deserve.

When selecting a web host, ensure your hosting is SSAE-16 compliant to meet the security requirements for safety. SSAE-16 compliance is a set of standards for attestation engagements that guide you in creating specific audit reports. The first audit is related to the status of an organization’s controls on a particular day. The second one incorporates historical data, reflecting how these controls have changed over time.

Malware Can Impact Negatively

Along with picking the most reliable way to stay in touch with your members, you should consider daily malware scanning.

Malware hurts millions of websites on a daily level. Even if you possess antivirus software, you’re still at risk of infecting your computer system. You need to scan all your activities, starting from malicious JavaScript. JavaScript libraries and tools are commonly infected. Malware can also cause unauthorized redirections, attack Internet Explorer, install spyware and Trojan horses, and other security threats.

CUWebsite™ not only scans for malware but also monitors whether your site is blacklisted as an unsecured site according to Google and Norton Safe standards. All these solutions combined will provide the best possible protection from unwanted problems you can expect from the market. The decision is yours 🙂

Third-party Vulnerability Assessments Are Necessary Too

Your long-term strategy should revolve around supporting your team, division, department, or the whole company if you want to identify and mitigate existing and potential risks.

The benefits are countless:

  1. You will actively protect your data.
  2. You will keep up with the trends and comply with all the necessary steps to assure that you’re fully protected.
  3. You will increase awareness about supplier risks to your data.

Assessments are useful because they help you have the whole picture to make more informed decisions about your current situation and the future.

CUWebsite™ provides all of this in one place. We care about your reputation by providing a detailed plan and solutions that will support the safety of your data and services to your clients. More than 150 financial institutions have relied on us and our services because protection and experience matter. There’s no better feeling in the business world than the feeling that the hosting for your website or platform is secure 24/7.

Final Words

Banks and credit unions cannot experiment with different opportunities and test whether they’ve found the right one. Remember, you’re responsible for other people’s money, so you need to get it right the first time. Choose the best for you today and say goodbye to security headaches now.