Your credit union website is the heart of your digital marketing strategy. While the primary purpose of your website may be an extension of your advertising efforts, you should also use it as a go-to educational resource to teach your customers about financial topics. Consider common questions your customer may research before coming to your credit union website and what they might ask you about your products and services once they click through. Use those answers as a foundation for your content.

Remember, impactful content builds your credibility and successful customer relationships. You’ll want to include content that presents you as an expert in the industry and not merely as a provider of financial products and services. Developing original content should be your primary method of reaching customers, but you can also refer customers to trusted external sources on related subjects that might not be in your wheelhouse.


Developing Original Content

By creating original content, you can tailor your message specifically for your customers as it relates to your credit union. A blog is a simple and informal way of reaching out to customers. If you categorize posts by subject matter, customers can easily search your archives to answer their questions.

For topics that might require a more detailed explanation, you can offer your customers white papers or ebooks. Although you could post these as links on your credit union website that customers can download, a better idea would be to ask for their name, email, and other contact information so you can send the document to them directly. This could be done through a landing page, your social media, or a digital ad. Once you have the customer’s contact information, you can use the data to contact them with tailored offers as well.

Not all content is written. How-to guides, step-by-step instructions, and process explanations can be visual. For example, you can create an infographic demonstrating how to create a budget or save for a down payment on a car or house. Or, you can record a video that explains the mortgage approval process. Although much of your content may be widely available online, make it your own by telling the customer what you can offer them that your competition can’t.


Recommending External Resources

Your credit union website content should present you as an industry specialist. However, be careful not to give the pretense that you’re an expert on financial topics that you know little about. Instead, offer credible resources that will help your customers become more financially literate.

Familiarize yourself with community, trade association, or government programs that might offer free services, workshops, or resources, especially if you don’t have an employee on staff who can answer customer questions. For instance, link to government agencies like the Internal Revenue Service for tax questions or the Social Security Administration for retirement or disability benefits.

Reach out to local groups that can advise customers on specific financial needs. An entrepreneurial organization might be able to assist your small business or commercial banking customers. Your community might have programs for customers with special interests, such as minority business owners, immigrants, single-parent households, etc. By partnering with these organizations, you not only help your customers access the information they need to make prudent financial decisions, but you also build credibility and trust within your community.


Final Words

Most credit union websites only focus on the products and services they offer. Instead of using your credit union website as just another marketing tool, build it with the intent of being a financial education resource. CUWebsite Services Content Management System allows you to easily implement the solutions we’ve presented here, including setting up a blog, adding videos, and creating landing pages. If we’re not already hosting your credit union website, speak to our team to turn your credit union website from a digital brochure into a financial resource.